Artist way Workbook Week 10

For week 10, I enjoyed activity #5.

1. List 5 small victories-
         - getting this close to senior seminar being done
         - buying myself something that I've been wanting
         - putting in more hours at work
         - relaxin more this week
         - getting rid of a toxic person in my life this week!!!!!!

2. List 3 nurturing actions you took for your artist-
          - being more by myself
          - stating my feelings
          - not letting things stick to me
3. List 3 actions you could take to comfort your artist.
          - be more patient!
          - dont let things bother me so much (especially little things)
          - accept that some people just won't live up to your expectations

4. Make 3 nice promises to yourself. Keep them.
          - I promise that I will be in more control with who I keep in my life
          - Be more happy and not let others control your emotions
          - Be by myself more

5. Do one lovely thing for yourseld each day this week.
       - Monday- I did my homework early so I could relax and watch T.V
       - Tuesday- I had a date with my dog and not let any distractions in
       - Wednesday- After I worked on my senior seminar, I went and gave myself a facial
       - Thursday- Bought some seat covers for my car that I've been wanting for awhile now
       - Friday- Painted my nails


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