
Showing posts from April, 2018

Food Post (21-27)

Saturday- Breakfast- bagels/ strawberry cream cheese Snack- kiwi Lunch- ALT sandwich w/ cucumbers and ranch Dinner- pizza (2 slices) w/ breadstick Sunday- Breakfast- No breakfast Lunch- salad w/ prepackaged tuna Dinner- grilled chicken w/ green beans and mash potatoes Monday- Breakfast- coffee and yogurt w/ strawberries Lunch- hot pocket w/ chips Dinner- salad w/ prepackaged tuna Tuesday- Breakfast- left over pizza (cold pizza is the best) Snack- tangerine Lunch- Pb & J sandwich with potato chips Dinner- salmon w/ squash Wednesday- Breakfast- fruit cup w/ chocolate milk Snack- apple w/ peanut butter Lunch- PB & J sandwich w/ cucumbers and ranch Dinner- grilled cheese w/ potato chips Thursday- Breakfast- Special K strawberry cereal w/ 1% milk Snack- apple Lunch- left over salmon w/ fresh spinach and balsamic vin. Dinner- bacon wrapped chicken strips (baked) w/ spinach grilled w/ butter Friday- Breakfast- Special K strawberry cereal w/ 1% milk ...

Artist Way Workbook Week 12

So for week 12, I liked activity 1 because this is what I've been reflecting on this whole semester. When thinking about this question, I realized maybe a few weeks ago, I would have had a whole list of resistances for the future. But now, I can hardly think of any. I am actually optimistic for the future. I saw a quote yesterday and it said "Humans plan their future with their hearts, but God determines our future with our steps". I like this because I feel like I'm working hard, and I've been applying for jobs, but there is only so much we can do, and this goes for any situation. Sometimes we  just have to let go, and let God. I would say some fears that I have is not finding a job or not finding a job that I enjoy. But this question made me reflect how much I've let go of this semester.

Class Requests

I just want to say that I am super excited to get back into the yoga!

Artist Date

As you may know, it rained really good on Wednesday, so I sat on my patio and just watched it rain. I like to do this because my patio echoes everything and it enhances the smell of rain. I don't know why it does this, but it is just so relaxing.

Work Out this week

I really like this fence because it is half an acre long so it gives me an idea of how long I am jogging.  I like to jog on this grass because I feel it is nicer on my legs and it gives me more grip.  So, for this week I jogged up and down the fence line. Every time I was going to turn around to jog to other side, I would do 10 jumping jacks. I did this about 10 times and by then I was really slowing down because I was getting tired. I also enjoy this workout because Lady enjoys being outside (she's mostly inside), and I can watch her. Once I was done with this I would do some sit-ups and then stretch. I did this twice this week, and my legs are SORE! I don't know what it is about the grass, but I think it gives me a better workout. 

Artist Way Workbook Week 11

For week 11, I did activity 2 because I really like this question. I don't think I've changed drastically, but I have changed in the way I think. I feel I think a lot more positively, especially now that I feel like my hard work is accomplishing something. I can finally see the finish line and it's a great feeling. I know that there are things that me and my fiancƩ need to work on such as our communication, but we plan on going to pre-marital counseling, and I'm more willing to critique myself because I now know my flaws because of this class. I can be selfish and not listen. I tend to put my needs above his, which isn't right. I wouldn't have even realized it if it wasn't for this class. It just became an unconscious pattern I was doing. I want to work on this and I want to become more aware with myself.

Class Requests

I don't have any class requests.

Artist Date

I know this sounds super cheesy but I feel like being with my dogs is my sacred place. I love my dogs so much as you can tell from most of my post. So, I went to the dog park in Seguin and let both the dogs play because they love it there. I always throw a ball for Rusty in the park and he loooovvveees it, as so do I. I also brought my little dog Lady, but she is such a wimp about being around other dogs that she just stays by my side the whole time. I really think this is my sacred place. They just make me feel like this is where I'm supposed to be- cheesy, I know...

Food Post April (14-20)

Saturday- Breaksfast- strawberries Lunch- oatmeal w/ cinnamon and banana Dinner- chalupas w/ cheese, beans, and jalapeƱos Sunday- Breakfast- Cheerios w/ 1% milk Snack- strawberries Lunch- Senoma wrap (WOW Cafe) Dinner- chicken breast w/ green beans and mash potatoes Monday- Breakfast- white chocolate mocha coffee w/ banana nut muffin Lunch- steamed broccoli and peanut butter and jelly sand-which Dinner- pulled brisket sand-which (BBQ HEB) w/ potato salad Tuesday- Breakfast- Cheerios w/ 1% milk Snack- banana Lunch- peanut butter and jelly sand-which w/ potato chips Dinner- left over pulled brisket sand-which w/ potato salad *really didn't eat a lot because I was sick from being nervous  Wednesday- Breakfast- oatmeal w/ 1% milk and almond butter Snack- strawberries Lunch- ALT sand-which w/ potato chips Dinner- baked parmesan chicken w/ sweet potato and sautĆ©ed squash Thursday- Breakfast- oatmeal w/ 1% milk and almond butter Snack- strawberries Lunch- H...

Artist way Workbook Week 10

For week 10, I enjoyed activity #5. 1. List 5 small victories-          - getting this close to senior seminar being done          - buying myself something that I've been wanting          - putting in more hours at work          - relaxin more this week          - getting rid of a toxic person in my life this week!!!!!! 2. List 3 nurturing actions you took for your artist-           - being more by myself           - stating my feelings           - not letting things stick to me           3. List 3 actions you could take to comfort your artist.           - be more patient!           - dont let things bother me so much (especially little things)           - accept that some p...

Class Requests

I don't really have any requests. I do wish that we were focusing on ourselves more, although, I know the purpose of this class is to be comfortable with others. I am getting more comfortable with everyone. I am really glad that Kristof and I have got close in this class. He makes my soul so happy because he just seems no pure in his attitude towards life.

Artist Date

My artist date was very great this week. I went though some old albums of my family and it was so crazy. I found some old photos of me and my mother. This was when my family was building my grandmothers house in Kerrville. Is it crazy that I can actually remember some of this? I really enjoyed myself doing this. It was like I was in another world looking back on this. 

Food Post 7th- 13th

Saturday- Breakfast- oatmeal w/ 1% milk and strawberries Snack- blueberries Lunch- Burger (Whataburger) w/ unsweet tea Dinner- Pancakes w/ eggs Sunday- Breakfast- Left over pancakes w/ orange juice Snack- banana w/ coffee Lunch- ALT sandwhich Dinner- Cheerios w/ 1% milk Monday- Breakfast- Cheerios w/ 1% milk and banana Lunch- Senoma wrap (WOW Cafe) w/ unsweet tea Dinner- salad w/ mixed veggies and ranch Tuesday- Breakfast- strawberries Snack- coffee w/ banana nut muffin Lunch- ALT sandwhich w/ potatoe chips Dinner- grilled redfish with grilled squash and rice Wednesday- Breakfast- oatmeal w/ 1% milk Snack- banana Lunch- fruit salad and salad w/ ranch Dinner- HEB sushi (San Antonio Roll) Thursday- Breakfast- cinnamon roll w/ chocolate milk (no shame) Lunch- salami sandwich (Sub- connections) w/ grapes Dinner- grilled chicken w/ green beans and mashed potatoes Friday- Breakfast- Special K strawberries w/ 1% milk Lunch- sandwhich w/ turkey, cheese, and ...

Artist Way Workbook Week 9

For week 9 I enjoyed activity number 3. It asked us to put our creative goals for the year, month, and week. Year- Being more in control of myself. I have an idea of what I want to do such as not eating red meat, and I often fight myself with this. So, I want to be better at being in control. This goes beyond food of course. Month- Not being so stuck on the material things. As human, this is a struggle I think for a lot of people, and I want to get away from this. Week- I was really sick this week and I wasn't working out as much as I should, so I want to get back into this.


I don't have any request.

Artist Date

For my artist date this week, I did art! I got my cap and gown, and I do graduation photos tomorrow, so I decorated my hat. So in love! 

Food Pood (Mar 31- April 6)

Saturday- Breakfast- Honey Nut Cheerios w/ 1% milk Snack- Handful of Cheez- Its Lunch- Pineapple, strawberry, banana, kiwi salad Dinner- spaghetti w/ meatballs and garlic bread Sunday- Breakfast- no breakfast Lunch- Ihop (pancakes and eggs w/ sausage) Dinner- scallops Monday- Breakfast- Oatmeal with 1% milk and banana Lunch- Memphis wrap w/ ff (WOW cafe) Dinner- Homemade salad with grilled chicken and chicken breast Tuesday- Breakfast- Honey Nut Cheerios w/ 1% milk Snack- kiwi Lunch- ALT sandwich Dinner- sweet tea w/ chicken wrapped in bacon w/ mashed potatoes and green beans Wednesday- Breakfast- Bagel w/ strawberry cream cheese and chocolate milk Snack- kiwi Lunch- Whataburger hamburger w/ unsweet tea Dinner- BBQ hotdog w/ potato chips Thursday- Breakfast- banana Snack- handful of Cheerios Lunch- ALT sandwich w/ jalapeƱo chips Dinner- salmon patty's (HEB brand) w/ green beans Friday- Breakfast- cinnamon toast crunch cereal (oops) Snack- no snac...