Artist Way Workbook Week 11

For week 11, I did activity 2 because I really like this question. I don't think I've changed drastically, but I have changed in the way I think. I feel I think a lot more positively, especially now that I feel like my hard work is accomplishing something. I can finally see the finish line and it's a great feeling. I know that there are things that me and my fiancé need to work on such as our communication, but we plan on going to pre-marital counseling, and I'm more willing to critique myself because I now know my flaws because of this class. I can be selfish and not listen. I tend to put my needs above his, which isn't right. I wouldn't have even realized it if it wasn't for this class. It just became an unconscious pattern I was doing. I want to work on this and I want to become more aware with myself.


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